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Urban Solutions Seminar 2013 “ONISIMOS”

Συμμετέχοντες στο σεμινάριο SALTOs Γειτονικών Χωρών από Αυστρία, 

Βέλγιο, Κροατία, Δανία, Γαλλία, Ιταλία, Λετονία, Ολλανδία, Πολωνία, 

Πορτογαλία, Σλοβακία, Ισπανία, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και βέβαια Ελλάδα 

επισκέπτονται την Πέμπτη 17 Οκτωβρίου 2013 τα γραφεία του Συλλόγου 

Συμπαραστάσεως Κρατουμένων “Ο Ονήσιμος” στα πλαίσια του 

προγράμματος SALTOs Γειτονικών Χωρών – Κοινωνικής Ένταξης και 

Πολιτισμικής Πολυμορφίας υπό την αιγίδα της Εθνικής Υπηρεσίας 

Προγραμμάτων Ε.Ε. – Νέα Γενιά Σε Δράση και Eurodesk και του 

Ιδρύματος Νεολαίας και Διά Βίου Μάθησης. 

Εκπρόσωπος του Συλλόγου Συμπαραστάσεως Κρατουμένων “Ο Ονήσιμος”, η κυρία Χαρά Βλαστάρη – Δυοβουνιώτου, ψυχολόγος- Μ.Α. Κλινικής Ψυχολογίας, συμμετείχε στις εργασίες του σεμιναρίου SALTOs Γειτονικών Χωρών Urban Solutions Seminar 2013 που έλαβε χώρα 15-19 Οκτωβρίου 2013. 

Urban Solutions Seminar 2013

How to give and share power with young people in the (sub)urban areas?

Date & venue

  • From 15 to 19 October 2013
  • Live seminar in Athens, Greece – virtually on blog and Twitter.


The first cross-sectorial seminar on social challenges in urban areas took place in May 2012, in UK. The concept of bringing together different stakeholders (local policy makers, researchers, Youth in Action officers, urban youth projects and young people) has proven to be very successful and appreciated by the participants.

The second “Urban Solution Seminar” will have young people involvement in decision making and sharing and giving power to young people (empowerment of young people) in the cities, as a topic.

Aims of the seminar

To reflect upon how to involve young people in decision-making process in (sub)urban areas and the role of young people, youth work and other stakeholders in sharing/giving power to young people..

Main Objectives:

• DIALOGUE – to provide a space for young people to get in dialogue with other city stakeholders and discuss “burning” issues;
• ANALYSIS – to get a better understanding of what happened in Athens and other big European cities in last few years (political context behind, institutions involved,…);
• LOCAL – to get to know local reality, through some young people real stories and project visits;
• INTERVENTION – to explore how the voice of young people can be heard, how can we transfer ownership to young people. (share good practices, inspire future action, recommendations,…);
• ACTION – to stimulate future action and follow-up (e.g. action planning, commitment, funding possibilities,…)


Download the programme of the seminar

Programme elements


  • Similarities and differences between (sub)urban areas in Europe
  • Everybody’s city? Places and spaces in the city (use of public spaces, whom do they belong to, young people relation with the city…)
  • Young people in (sub)urban areas: issues, contributions, what do they do in the city, what kind of the city do they want?
  • Athens: get to know local reality


  • What are we talking about? Terminology & definitions: participation, citizenship, democracy,…
  • Sharing power with young people and participatory decision-making process
  • Political context and institutions who have the power in the city, role of young people, youth work & other stakeholders.


  • Sharing good practices & methods to intervene in the city (what has been done already, how it can be done differently, inspiration…)
  • Local project visits and young people’s real stories
  • Resources for participatory projects in (sub)urban areas
  • Use of social media for participatory youth projects


  • How different stakeholders can be working together better?
  • Different kinds of cooperation and organisation in the city (individual, group, movements, alliances…)
  • Where & how to find finances for youth projects in the (sub)urban areas (YiA Programme…)
  • Future projects

Participants’ profile

The seminar will bring together 40 participants, amongst which:

  • Young people (+18 old) who have some experience in a participative youth project (participant, leader,…; local, regional, international)
  • Policy makers (or civil servants implementing policy) of cities dealing with/linked to young people (youth services, employment, urban planners,…)
  • Youth workers directly working with youth in disadvantaged (sub)urban areas
  • Teachers, educators, social workers,… working with youth in disadvantaged (sub)urban areas
  • Police, community officers,… from disadvantaged (sub)urban areas
  • Researchers working on topic of youth in urban areas and youth participation.
  • National Agencies’ staff with experience and motivation to work on a topic



The “Urban Solutions Seminar 2” is co-organised by SALTO Inclusion, the Greek NA, the UK and Polish national agencies for the Youth in Action programme and SALTO Participation. It is part of SALTO Inclusion’s strategy on urban youth interventions (2012-13).

The organising team will be composed of 2 facilitators, 2 social media staff and SALTO and National Agency staff.


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